Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
We all agree that crypto UX is terrible. But it's on us to fix it. If you can wave a magic wand đŸĒ„, what's the first thing you'd fix today that would have the biggest ROI?
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Aaron Ho 🎩 Ī† pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 Ī†
Perception or rather the misconception of crypto and money.
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Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
Can you expand?
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Aaron Ho 🎩 Ī† pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 Ī†
I'd say this is what needs to be out there: 1. you don't need to "invest" to get started with crypto (e.g. farcaster) 2. see crypto as a different means of interaction 3. different on-ramp options for more conservative countries (i.e. in-app purchases like how @warpcast & @floor do it)
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