In September, the popular Telegram app Hamster Kombat distributed its HMSTR tokens to over 100 million users. Other discussed projects also conducted airdrops: Dogs, Catizen, and others. After listings, altcoins showed similar downward price dynamics. For example, when trading started on September 26, the price of HMSTR was $0.01, and on October 7 it fell to $0.0047 - that is, by 53%. A month earlier, the DOGS token was released on the exchange, where users were awarded tokens depending on the date of account registration in Telegram and for inviting referrals. Then it was traded at $0.0008329, now at $0.0006807 - a decrease of 18%. Similar dynamics were demonstrated by CATI from the Catizen application, trading for which started on September 20. Its price fell by 21% — from $0.6263 to $0.4936. 0 reply
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