Péter Szilágyi pfp

Péter Szilágyi


21 Following

Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
The Ethereum ecosystem seems to be gravitating towards 0 miner tips. Geth fixing it's minimum tip enforcement to 1 gwei caused some outrage; blobs do not tip miners at all; and multi-dimentional gas might also not. I'm worried this again favours MEV. https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/1043#issuecomment-2112364286
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
In case you missed it, Geth v1.13.14 and prior had a P2P regression that allowed remote bad actors to trigger a potential OOM blowup. This was fixed in Geth v1.13.15; and also all the Geth v1.14.x releases. Please ensure you're safe. https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/security/advisories/GHSA-4xc9-8hmq-j652
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Geth v1.14.3 out (with v1.14.1 and 1.14.2 elegantly skipped courtesy of CI/PPA misconfigurations)! The release is a small maintenance release with some block processing and RPC API improvements. https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.14.3
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
This is called conflict of interest. When every bot is paying you $5 a year, you are definitely not going to get rid of them. Don't blame the "consumer". Filtering out every single new user by default is just dumb. It makes it almost impossible for new users without a social circle already on FC to start out.
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Geth 1.14.1 seems to be about 5-7% faster than Geth v1.14 at block processing... and Geth v1.14.2 seems to become another 5-7% faster than Geth v1.14.1 at block processing :D Squeezing every last drop 😅
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
This one’s for y’all 😜
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Can someone pls clean up the tons of AI posts/users? It’s getting annoying to skim through the generative crap everywhere.
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Our next milestone - Geth v1.14.0 - is out! Pathdb by default, live tracing, beacon light client, no more pre-merge nets, no more pending block and more! Please read through the release notes carefully, some changes might impact you. https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.14.0
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Can anyone vouch for Bryan Johnson's Blueprint stack? Is it worth it at $343? Does it actually have a certain "completeness" to it, or is it just a collection of random stuff and you'd need to cherry pick a ton on top yourself?
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Reminds me of y'all crypto lot 😜
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Recasting this a bit more nosily, since OP is such a low follow count user, they are spam filtered by Farcaster 🤪
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Yesterday I discovered we have a few solitary bees nesting in our garden chair frame (found some holes). Such adorable fluffy little fatties :)) Ordered a bee house for them, but read that they tend to get full of pests and diseases in time, so if anyone has a pointer to a bee hotel that can be kept clean, pls share.
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
How do you people track how much you "should" eat and how much you actually eat? :)) You would think that "eat when you're hungry and don't fill up" is a good advice, except I'm almost never hungry. Sometimes I get hangry, that's a good sign, but most of the time I eat because it's time, not because I need to.
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
#Ethereum's gaining a heartbeat :)
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
No pressure... 🍿
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Someone out there is mining blocks for the zero address like there's no tomorrow. Whilst everybody appreciates the extra burn, please check your setup anon. https://etherscan.io/address/0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000#mine
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Was wondering how much fatter are MEV blocks compared to stock Geth blocks. Daaaaaaamn... that's a lot of damage.
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
I am really looking forward to 4844, but we'll have our hands full with the UX horrors of crossing over L2s. Currently I have Ethereum ETH and a bit of Optimism ETH, but to play on Farcaster, I need Base ETH and to mint the blob movie I need Zora Eth. Can the devs do something?!
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Promised a chart. Yellow - Geth v1.13.13 (stable) Green - Geth v1.14.0 (unstable)
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Second Geth master teaser (or perhaps heads up this time). Geth v1.14.x will drop support for pre-merge networks. We need to do this to delete a massive amount of code from out repository.
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