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Taylor 🌈 ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
10/10 season 2, Arcane. Made me cry multiple episodes, for multiple characters. The Message Hidden Within the Pattern is by far one of the best episodes of television period. You are the wolf. 😭 — gonna go cry some more now.
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kagami 🎩
act ii and the first ep of act iii were emotionally devastating. still thinking about them days later. i felt like the ending was rushed and a bit of a letdown from the impact of the previous episodes but still an absolute masterpiece of a series.
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Taylor 🌈 ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
Agree 100%. Could it have benefited from maybe 1 more season or 1 more episode even? Probably. But I understand why it stopped when it stopped. I’m a little lost emotionally to be honest 😅 it’s just a reminder that I’m selfish and don’t want good things to be over. Was awesome all the way.
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kagami 🎩
i think one more act would’ve given enough room to flesh things out properly. i feel like they cut this too short. sure it was a big budget, sure there’s so many more stories to tell, but it’s not like this was running out of steam. i do think that this is the start of prestige adult animation. this and blue eye samurai are peak for animation and storytelling.
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Taylor 🌈 ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
You hate to be nihilistic, but it’s hard to see how the cost for everyone involved didn’t cut it prematurely short. But completely agree, another act maybe a few months down the line would’ve been perfect! Release the Riot cut! This is also a broader problem but I feel like there’s a collective “society attention” issue in that the critiques could go the other way if it went on for too long — something like this, you can’t appease everyone unfortunately. Still so solid in the end. I’m waiting for that sweet 4k release. The art/animation is the benchmark, and it looked amazing in HD. Can’t wait to see what it looks like upscaled. Thanks for talking Arcane with me — I have no one to express this with 🙏
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