kev pfp



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kev pfp
just had a lil' 30min session early this morning at the iconic 'HdV' in Lyon -- i had the spot all for myself [look at some of the crazy things that's been done over there:] i landed a few times my usuals and it felt great: ollie, nollie, b/s nollie, nollie shuv (f/s & b/s), flip, heelflip, 50-50 and 5-0.
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kev pfp
stumbling upon this a few days before moving to Berkeley, CA -- the universe is conspiring. thank you Omar 🫶
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kev pfp
i owe skateboarding so much of who i am and what i love today. not being afraid to fall, an infinite love for exploring -places, people, topics, you name it-, a deep appreciation for culture at large -and magazines in particular-, a natural excitement for everything 'niche', see what most people don't... i could go on for hours. should write a blog post about this.
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kev pfp
i started skateboarding and boxing pretty much at the same time -around 11/12 y/o; i.e. almost 25 years ago- both trajectories has been similar: i was practicing daily during my teenager years, i did some competitions, i went through a few years pauses from time to time but always got back to it at some point. the key difference though: boxing = i only practiced it and that's it. i never felt truly part of the culture at large. skateboarding = it's been a huge part of my identity all along. skaters would instantly spot i'm a skater too. i see myself as a skater; and i never stopped being part of the culture.
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kev pfp
[new blog post] launching your startup while having very young kids -- tldr: kids force you to focus 10x better 👉
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kev pfp
can't recommend Prose enough: -- airing rn is: 'Stranger' by Fanateek One & Rach B
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kev pfp
reading online how "as Vans tries to regain its footing after recent sales stumbles, the brand is turning to its tried and true skateboarding roots as part of a new marketing strategy" while hearing on the ground how "Vans is cutting budget here and there + has fired so many people from skateboarding" is... off-putting [to say the least]
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kev pfp
landing in a week aaaaaaaand can't wait 🪩
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kev pfp
assorted links from week25: incl. the power of manifestos; a fresh mix by a friend DJ; our latest Francois Civil spree -- the last 2 movies we've watched being directed by Cedric Klapisch (strongly recommend)
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kev pfp
assorted links from week24: incl. 'The Hacking of Culture and the Creation of Socio-Technical Debt'; 'another intermezzo place'; 'surely you can be serious'; 'Japanese culture and its impact on design and business'; 'is Silicon Valley building Universe 25?'
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kev pfp
hey @matthew just signed in to events but can't access the 'docs' and 'blog' pages [links to notion apparently] -- did you remove them or restrict access maybe? thanks 🙏
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kev pfp
A warm Farcaster welcome to @maximetrap! partner in crime
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kev pfp
re-posted from /sf but since there might definitely be some denim enthusiasts here + based in San Francisco: first 'denim soirée' is on July 25th -bring that pair of jeans you love.
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kev pfp
First 'denim soirée' is on July 25th -bring that pair of jeans you like.
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kev pfp
'Do I want my kids to be hurt? Of course no. Do I want them to be afraid of everything and paralysed in face of every challenge? Hell no' I wrote about it more and collected some pieces here:
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kev pfp
assorted links from week23: incl. a convo about the importance of picking your neighborhood; 'the world is a museum of obsessions'; 'home-cooked software and barefoot developers'; 'culture is an ecosystem' part2; and a great discussion on 'culture cycles' and more
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kev pfp
many things lead to this new blog post: i was reading Tom's 'taking risk'; while hanging out in the eu/acc discord server following Andreas 'wake up Europe' call; then i saw a friend celebrating his 1-year anniversary in the US; while traveling in SF:
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kev pfp
i also dreamt so many times about night-trains connecting great european cities. i wanted them -Midnight Trains- to succeed. Unfortunately, 4 years later, they decided to stop. here's their post-mortem -in french:
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kev pfp
assorted links from week22: incl. Henrik's 'don't sacrifice the wrong things'; 'everything is merch' by Ana and Eugene; David's 'A Manifesto Towards a New Cultural Criticism.'; Lazy Work/Good Work by Morgan Housel
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kev pfp
as a couple, what's your relationship with money? listening to both Morgan & Gretchen Housel with @behaviorgap, it made me reflect on how we're dealing with the topic at home 👉
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