Kairon pfp



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Kairon pfp
A familiar new piece on Autopsy is out! We tweaked and improved some parts to make it better on the "dead protocol" side Enjoy! https://paragraph.xyz/@autopsy/a-graveyard-of-protocols-autopsy
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Kairon pfp
I wonder if there's something generational about young teams not wanting to use yesterday's tech
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Kairon pfp
https://zora.co/collect/base:0xc5cf0ed6c216c385b7abf812b88f8f0ed8cecdfa/2?referrer=0x0BB602F88BF886282fF69d4Cec937cc2A7d9E19A šŸ˜³
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Kairon pfp
I have a dedicated discord server to send links & ideas for articles that never materialize I wait 6 months before publishing most of my stuff, to make sure I'm not speaking from a place of hype I think in terms of products and launches, but words are my best vehicle to bring ideas into the world Am I a "writer"?
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Kairon pfp
Why has no one built an SMTP + XMTP client that works like a messaging app? I'd give anything to have Telegram's interface for my inbox
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Kairon pfp
I regret to inform y'all that a) I've gotten the Meta glasses, and, b) I actually really like them
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Kairon pfp
Expect to hear a lot more about this
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Kairon pfp
There's a thin line between Protocol and Bureaucracy
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Kairon pfp
Why is this the most relatable thing I've ever said?
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Kairon pfp
Nature... Ehm... Finds a way
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Kairon pfp
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Kairon pfp
This too, shall pass
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Kairon pfp
It just clicked, given the current barrier to AI diminishing returns, that the only path forward is to teach AI to "understand" How two dots connect beyond semantics, how a radically new idea can permeate several areas of knowledge Not saying this is easy, we must start by understanding what "understanding" means
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Kairon pfp
Setting out to Madrid, Lisbon, Florence and then Singapore this coming month, anyone game to meet up and chat?
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Kairon pfp
https://kairon.mirror.xyz/-SfDoXUB3oo3q5Cr2xnaxMeTdVSnY7VwOdmE6OBdKgA Toe-may-toh, toh-mah-toe I usually share this piece with every new year to make a point about how we've been here before, and will be again But today, it feels extra fitting
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Kairon pfp
This is the kind of stuff I love to see on open social media
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Kairon pfp
Something that genuinely infuriates me about a ton of web3 platforms is whenever they update their infra, and don't notify users Months later, I'll try to log back in and suddenly my account doesn't exist anymore, even when using the same wallet
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Kairon pfp
Testing out the awesome bounty feature: Where can I find the most comprehensive by-contract breakdown of NFT mints?
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Kairon pfp
Heard we're posting library thirst traps today Yes, I did use to stack my books like a sociopath, I've since built shelves
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Kairon pfp
Where can I find the most comprehensive dashboard on NFT mints? I'm speaking of: - Volume over time across platforms (OS, Manifold, Foundation, Zora, etc) - collector behavior and overlap - Behavior by file type (assuming that's the closest proxy for types of NFT) Using this for purely academical purposes
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