Justin Drake pfp

Justin Drake


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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
That's exactly right :) Based sequencing is when the base layer (i.e. L1 proposers) sequence L2 blocks. Based sequencing is the most credibly neutral (shared) sequencer and allows for synchronous composability between the L1 and L2s.
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
I greatly enjoyed this episode with the new Bitcoin Suisse podcast. We touched on many topics related to ETH the asset and economics more broadly. https://youtu.be/lrFgjOc_Gkw
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
A new book on hash-based SNARKs is out! snargsbook.org The book is a comprehensive treatment of the foundations of hash-based SNARKs. Definitions, theorem statements and proofs are rigorously covered from first scratch. A monumental effort by Ale Chiesa and Eylon Yogev—the fundamentals have never been stronger :)
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
intersubjective -> intersub intersub faults intersub truth intersub token intersub security intersubly verifiable intersubly attributable intersubly slashable intersubly forkable
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
SNARK ASICs are real :) https://youtu.be/URCH2d1cdyg
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
Who are the best people at the intersection of AI engineering and crypto?
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Jason pfp
In this thread I'm going to break down a potential Ethereum upgrade called Execution Tickets, originally presented by @justindrake and formalized in a research post by @mikeneuder.eth. It shift's validators roles and provides a lot of benefits to the protocol 🧵 0/15
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
Response transaction here https://etherscan.io/tx/0x5f2d5aca61f230c22202279357d18f56142d1438096f25c4ed387061492a6cfd I cheapened out with a 50 Gwei max base fee so apologies if the onchain commitment arrives a bit late :)
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
ETs will be discussed :)
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
my MEV agenda before ETH London :) * March 12: mev.market * March 13: Ethereum sequencing and preconfs roast * March 14: talk on shared sequencing at Pragma https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024 * March 15: chain abstraction workshop https://lu.ma/CA-standards-workshop-london
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
1.5h technical presentation and Q&A on shared sequencing, decentralised preconfirmations, and based sequencing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eycLQCaqDsk
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
BitVM gives 1-of-whitelist optimistic rollups on Bitcoin with 2-way BTC bridges. Defi and restaking can be replicated with BTC. Imagine: * BitDA like EigenDA, boosting DA past 4MB/10min * BitFG like FFG, boosting security past PoW Wait, it's all about monetary premium? Always has been. 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
I think the answer is yes :) bitVM has definitely made me more bullish on Bitcoin.
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
At first it was just Taiko. In the last couple weeks two more projects embraced based sequencing—announcements coming :) As awareness grows and design details flesh out, projects seriously consider based sequencing.
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
The main upgrade relevant to shared based sequencing is execution tickets. The good news is that based sequencing (with preconfirmations!) can be done without a hard fork—execution tickets make based sequencing more sustainable but are not a short-term blocker to experimentation.
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
IMO it's 80% coordination now 😅
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
Shared sequencing is to execution what danksharding is to DA. Danksharding: removes asynchrony across data shards shared sequencing: removes asynchrony across VMs With both we can fix Ethereum fragmentation.
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Justin Drake pfp
Justin Drake
Not much in the short term, but paving the way for real-time proving and real-time settlement. Cysic is working on a real-time proving SNARK ASIC for 2024. Fabric is also working on a SNARK ASIC for 2024.
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