Junghø (medical leave) pfp

Junghø (medical leave)


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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
wish me luck ✌️
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Wilson Cusack pfp
Wilson Cusack
If you’ve integrated Smart Wallet or are thinking about it, please reach out! Would love to hear how we can make docs and product better. Can’t wait to get it out on mainnet for everyone to use!
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
8 Here's link to our project demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diW5OsYuvro and summary https://devfolio.co/projects/atman-project-1a07 Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
7 With ETHDenver behind us and my upcoming medical leave (and no more marketing team to help on my posts 😜), I'll likely return to my occasional casting. But I'm excited to continue exploring solutions to the problems we care about with those who share our passion.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
6 It took a year for MWP to gain traction, so the outcome of this hackathon would not faze me. The joy is in tackling challenges and seeking solutions with like-minded friends.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
5 We kicked off our project late yesterday with less than 20 hours to the deadline. Creating a proof of concept and submitting it on time has been a testament to the power of collaboration and shared vision. So grateful to have @oudwud, providing invaluable crash courses on modern cryptography and protocols.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
4 Reuniting with my long-time friend @oudwud for eth denver has been a highlight. It felt amazing to realize that one of the brightest minds that I know of has the same concerns. Hacking together with someone sharing the vision and passion and appreciating each others contribution feels AMAZING.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
3 While I am grateful for the spotlight on MWP, to be honest it also felt bittersweet. For a year since its debut, there has been almost no attention on this project, and it made me doubt and question my competency as a engineer.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
2 These past few months, especially this week, have been a whirlwind with SCW prep, supporting dapps preparing for eth denver, and the unexpected buzz around MWP. it's been a hectic and dynamic time.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
1 Just wrapped up our hackathon pitch at /ethdenver after a non-stop day. Started late yesterday, worked overnight, submitted on time, grabbed a few hours of sleep, and finished our presentation (even though we arrived 20 minutes late at the venue.)
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Manan  pfp
Leap year, so we're making a leap in Farcaster infra Onboard new users with one signature - Neynar abstracts away all onchain actions; apps (esp. Wallets) can now have the same smooth onboarding as Warpcast. Users get storage + fname. Devs get a signer. All in one go. DC to try 🪐 bit.ly/48ImDPH bit.ly/3V7AeNk
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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
woah smart wallet is so cool ✨ just built a quick sign up prototype using smart wallet x wagmi x web3modal smart wallet isn't officially supported in wagmi yet, so I forked wagmi's CBW connector in my repo (linked below) and installed v4.0.0-beta.0 of the Coinbase Wallet SDK - works! :)
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
yup. that works!
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
hey derek. let’s chat today or tomorrow when you have some time. lmk what time you would like.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
Hey ETHDenver: We’re hosting a working dev session today at 4pm for /mwp. Meet me at Home Base for 🍕
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
nice! happy to jam together!
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Coinbase Wallet pfp
Coinbase Wallet
If you’re at ETHDenver, stop by our demo for smart wallet at Home Base on 3/1 at 10am MT. Or schedule 1:1 time with us at the booth. Share your feedback in /coinbasewallet https://lu.ma/55squogc
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Harry Noble pfp
Harry Noble
Super excited to get this out to the world. The smart wallet stack unlocks so much potential for better ux, security, recoverability… We’re just getting started.
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
try our smart wallet on your dapp https://www.npmjs.com/package/@coinbase/wallet-sdk/v/4.0.0-beta.0
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Junghø (medical leave) pfp
Junghø (medical leave)
unlike the existing websocket based solutions (e.g. WalletLink), which are not reliable on mobile especially when apps get backgrounded to talk to each other, MWP offers direct local communication channel between app and wallet without requiring relay or bridge backend servers.
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