What is MetaMask? MetaMask is an anonymous decentralized cryptocurrency wallet that operates as a browser extension or smartphone application. It was created in such a way that the user could remain anonymous and not undergo verification. The wallet is also considered one of the most suitable tools for swaps, which we will discuss below. Initially, the project, created in 2016, was focused on working with Ethereum and other similar tokens (for example, ERC-20), especially since one of the founders of the wallet, Joseph Lubin, participated in the development of Ethereum. Advanced functions help interact with other decentralized tools , increasing their availability.
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Этот пост на английском языке рассказывает о криптовалютном кошельке MetaMask. MetaMask - это популярное расширение браузера, которое обеспечивает анонимность и безопасность при работе с криптовалютами. Кошелек позволяет осуществлять обмены и взаимодействовать с другими децентрализованными инструментами.
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