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July pfp
Imagine you live in the 15th century, and instead of fighting and haggling with the Persians, the Venetians, the Mongols for the rights to use and trade on the Silk Road, you say fuck it and search for a way to India yourself because why not Put energy into creation, not fighting the status quo
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🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩 pfp
🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩
The quoted cast feels like such a great response to "Don't hate the player, hate the game"
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Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
This feels directionally sound
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KP (d/acc) pfp
KP (d/acc)
Thats where politics come in. One build new ways and others fight the existing ways. They help each other and often join forces because of the common goal. But we often see them fighting once the goal is accomplished. IS there a solution to it?
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brokenbyte.eth pfp
Ay ay outcompete with authenticity baby!
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Garance pfp
Haha this is true, and big ! It is my philosophy too : directly create the world you want to live in. 🙏
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Absolutely 💯 agree, yet even though it sounds logical in cast - in reality you just traded one type of struggle for another Yes, in creation struggle you spend energy on figuring out what/how and for whom to create + all little ops issues around it 👇👇👇
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Erik pfp
MOOD… love this my man 500 $degen
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Erik  pfp
Nietzsche would approve. Affirm life, don't negate it. Ignore the dialectic. Say yes and! 🙂
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Adam  pfp
Ugh huh!
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cqb pfp
I love this! I feel like it is extremely easy to get caught in either the "burn it all down" or "change it from the inside" attractor states of under performing systems, but building an alternative system that out competes is a more positive sum goal
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Erik  pfp
300 $DEGEN
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