July pfp
gm - no one is early nor late
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July pfp
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July pfp
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2 recasts
2 reactions

shukudai.dayo.eth🌹☀️ pfp
Also has a lot of super weird stuff when you go too deep 😅
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David T Phung ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ  pfp
David T Phung ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
link to the presentation?
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Naomi 🎩 pfp
Naomi 🎩
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🌹 Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌹 Zach Harris 🥀
Except for the telcos… they literally own bits and bytes thru pipes, now that net neutrality is done.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
That design, that font, it gives me goosebumps 😂
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@moar memes
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