Julie Shi pfp

Julie Shi


68 Following

Julie Shi pfp
Julie Shi
Hey guys, I have a question about sqrtPriceLimit. It seems that uniswap will do a partial swap if sqrt_p hits the sqrtPriceLimit rather than revert the whole swap - i wonder if my understanding is correct.
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Julie Shi pfp
Julie Shi
@deployer hey i heard that you make claimable emoji here! I wonder how it works? DM open! Wanna create one
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Julie Shi pfp
Julie Shi
GM this is Julie👋 I won finalists at ETHDenver and ETHGlobal before, and I’m building a fully onchain poker. I’m excited to learn more about Uniswap. Big fan of Consumer Defi.
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Julie Shi pfp
Julie Shi
How do I connect my ENS name to my account?
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Julie Shi pfp
Julie Shi
Wooo I got this account recovered!!!! Happy
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