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tldr (tim reilly)
When I tell my smart non crypto friends about Polymarket they’re like “yeah I already knew about Predictit. What’s the difference?” I’m looking to steelman Polymarket for the purpose of shock and awe-ing them into taking a more serious view of crypto. Any suggestions?
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JR ↑
A non-crypto friend reached out to me and said "finally a solid crypto product, do they make a profit from trading fees, can I buy the coin?". I'm sure he didn't use it himself but simply saw it featured or quoted multiple times by mainstream news or Trump. > Personally not sure whether there will be much trading &or interest after the election. At the moment, the product is relevant on a global level (that's a big achievement), and everyone can use and quote it 24/7 freely.
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tldr (tim reilly)
Actually I think it will parlay into solid continued business: 1. Lots of funds got onboarded 2. Lots of users got comfortable 3. There’s always something interesting going on in the world
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Jack Miller
“the election” There dozens of elections and politically events globally every year Won’t be as big, sure, but my friends bet on European soccer teams they can’t pronounce in their primary sport’s offseason
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