jtriley.eth pfp



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jtriley.eth pfp
finally getting some good flight time, gonna start uploading footage soon :3
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jtriley.eth pfp
rwandan espresso & müesli gm :3
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jtriley.eth pfp
cooked my esc on my last flight, time for a swap ._.
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jtriley.eth pfp
what gets logged if you send: 1. no calldata, no wei? 2. no calldata, one wei? 3. calldata, no wei? 4. calldata, wei?
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jtriley.eth pfp
announcing the rippler, a fast as fuck multicaller. the rippler uses a custom encoding scheme, packing calls in reverse order and prefixing the calldata with a 2 byte jump target indicating the number of calls to make. 0/3 https://github.com/jtriley-eth/the-rippler
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jtriley.eth pfp
b4ufly is a great app for planning an fpv session you need to be in unrestricted airspace with no NOTAMs to fly. special events like airshows may affect where you can fly dji by default will not let you fly in restricted airspace but this is not always the case, better to be safu
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jtriley.eth pfp
don't forget to submit your tcr
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jtriley.eth pfp
spot the bug
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jtriley.eth pfp
if you're as tired of IERC____Receiver implementations as i am here's how you never have to deal with it again
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jtriley.eth pfp
playing with the simulator while the drone is under repair 🫠 https://youtube.com/shorts/v_8eL3dToZ4?si=MK0cqeaNQ6RVSENR
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jtriley.eth pfp
cleared the terminal after a failed fuzz run and now i can’t reproduce this is fine
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jtriley.eth pfp
fuzzing is wild bc sometimes you find useful edge cases you wouldn't have thought of but then other times it's like "what if you are the zero address and transfer zero tokens to the zero address on behalf of the zero address with zero approval and also the token is the zero address"
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jtriley.eth pfp
can we please rewrite erc4337 from the ground up? i dont wanna change the std it's just poorly organized and more monologue than specification
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jtriley.eth pfp
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jtriley.eth pfp
i can’t wait for glassmorphism to flourish in augmented reality i’ve always loved the idea but it doesn’t work without a suitable backdrop
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jtriley.eth pfp
there are 2 ways to transmit video (vtx) in fpv, analog and digital analog is lower latency and lower quality, best for racing digital is high latency high quality, great for cinematic and freestyle you can also do analog + mount a gopro for low latency but high quality recording 0/1
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jtriley.eth pfp
are warpcast videos a thing?
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jtriley.eth pfp
the fpv remote is the first item to get when starting in the hobby the second item to get is a simulator. i like the official drone racing league’s sim, but there are plenty of others. this will save you thousands in crashes it took me about 2 months of fairly consistent sim time to get comfortable with flying
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jtriley.eth pfp
on fpv remotes, there's two major proprietary protocols (DJI, TBS) and one open source (ELRS) DJI has good integrations with other DJI parts TBS has an excellent controller (even onboard lua scripting!) ELRS is oss, works with a bunch of remotes, and most remotes look mf cracked 0/1
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jtriley.eth pfp
for flying fpv you're going to *need* a few parts: - drone - goggles - remote - hella lipo batteries - lipo smart charger ***do NOT skimp on a smart charger, i did and the resulting lipo fire corroded through a patch of concrete :3 we'll deep dive each of these in later posts
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