Content pfp
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Colin pfp
The vast majority of Sentry errors for our frontend are unrelated to our codebase and are instead related to random extensions/packages, making it very noisy. We've been trying to blocklist certain packages/keywords but it's not scalable. What does everyone do for frontend error tracking?
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jtgi pfp
Following this and hoping for answers. My experience with sentry and rollbar: Because of the noise, these tools are not good for proactive alerting out of the box, only investigative/debugging, for ex: user 1 wrote in with some error, go lookup their user id in sentry.
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jtgi pfp
For proactive alerting, I only had good results whitelisting specific errors. And whenever I could I’d get from backend instead. Never made “increased errors” work well. Even after piping into datadog with anomaly detection.
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