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the better i feel now (mostly thanks to emdr), the more i realize how bad i felt before. i tried to be happy, but most of the time it was easiest to settle for contentment do you think you could be a mainly joyful person if you tried? if yes, how do you maintain your joy? if no, what keeps you from finding joy?
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If I tried, I think so. It’s a tough question though because a large part of the things I’m proud of in my life came from thinking things could be better and there’s a certain negative unjoyous energy to viewing the world that way—at least my brand of it. I’m not ready to move on from that. My kid brings me daily joy though. That’s unmistakeable.
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it’s nice to know you have the experience, and the choice to have more! interesting how much complicated-ness it requires us to give up to be more joyous. thank you for sharing! this topic is fascinating to me 🙏🏻
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