Jorge Soares pfp

Jorge Soares


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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Leaving a well-earned, generous tip for great service: Priceless. For everything else, there’s @baselightdb. Query links:
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Q3: Do larger parties tip more? Not quite. In fact, solo diners tip the most.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
As I watched #LastWeekTonight, I couldn't help but wonder if we had cool data on tipping on @baselightdb. Only a small dataset, sadly, but enough for a surprise quiz! Q1: Do diners tip more on larger orders? Apparently not!
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Q2: Do diners tip more at lunch or dinner? Lunch.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
@adlrocha joined us, and we assembled a brilliant team together. We launched our alpha. We iterated on user feedback. We onboarded thousands of datasets. We came out of stealth. And now we're announcing our seed round, essential to achieve our lofty goals.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Huge thanks to our team, our investors, our partners, and all our alpha users -- and @diogomonica, in particular, for cheering us on from day one. We're only getting started, but your help as already proved invaluable. And if you're not on this list yet, do reach out!
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
@baselightdb was born to change that. Take a distributed universal catalogue, add query execution, and you can now combine data from different sources more efficiently than with traditional analytics platforms. That mythical application that is actually better decentralised.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
What was so exciting? We all keep hearing about how data is the future, but those claims are outdated. The future is here and data is central to the key challenges that we face today as a species. Yet have you experienced the misery of cross-referencing large climate datasets?
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
I did not set out to start a company. I left my previous job wanting to take a long break. Mere weeks into it, I found myself having lunch with @hmoniz and @diogomonica. On the table? A real problem and a real solution that was too good not to pursue. Skip to today, and @finisterralabs is announcing our seed with @haunventures and Lightshift.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
What do we get instead? Celebrities. Lots and lots of celebrities. And some animals, I suppose. But I was most surprised by the lack of patriotism. Make adverts great again?
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
And then there was Kanye West. Not enough data in the world to explain that one, I'm afraid. For everything else, there's @baselightdb. Check out the query at
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Looking at the last 20 years, sexy ads have clearly grown out of favour, likely as a result of shifting societal views of objectification in advertising. It looks like our collective sense of humour has been on the decline too, with funny ads gradually disappearing.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Last week, we looked at how the inflation-adjusted cost of a 30-second Super Bowl skyrocketed over the years. But what about the ads themselves? They've been changing too. Let's fire up @baselightdb and start a 🧵
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Does that mean advertisers are getting less bang for their buck? In absolutely viewer numbers, that seems clear. But could the ads be becoming more effective? Stay tuned as we dive deeper!
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Meanwhile, join Baselight and play around with this data and much more.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
As costs have skyrocketed, household rating remained nearly flat. Even adjusted for inflation, an ad dollar in 2000 would reach 1.5x as many viewers. And in 1985? 3.7x 🔥
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Super Bowl ads are a big deal. How big? BIG, with the cost per 30-second slot reaching $8,000,000 in 2025. But are they a good deal? Today, we look at the ROI using @baselightdb.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Check out the full list at Ping me in case you want to give it a try!
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
How do you choose where to live? Is safety a top concern? Do you like the sun? As I reflected on recent events, I logged on to @baselightdb and created the Safe n' Sunny Index for the most liveable cities. Not sure about that top 10, but Brussels ranking 127/140 checks out.
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Jorge Soares pfp
Jorge Soares
Oh, and here's a link to that 🩹x👶 query:
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