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Which podcast in the past 100 days has had the biggest impact on you?
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Dan Simmons
I'm so bad at bookmarking my favorites! That said, I remember really enjoying the Bankless episode with Morgan Housel. May or may not have been within the exact 100 day window! 😅 (Also recommend his books fwiw, absolute bangers!)
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John Schnipkoweit
Starting work on a better way to bookmark and keep track for myself - how do you consume: player? Afk?
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Dan Simmons
I listen entirely when I'm afk (thus audio-only) via Pocket Casts generally speaking! If I'm in front of a screen, I'm doing something else (active). My current bookmarking solution is to star a pod within Pocket Casts, but a lot of times I finish listening, segue into the next pod, and forget 😅
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