Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
I'd like to organize an online game of Doom II one of these days. (yes, the boomer classic!) The game is ~30 years old, but modern source ports are pretty advanced, with online multiplayer and hardware acceleration, yet retain the original graphics and gameplay. Anyone here interested?
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13 reactions

Joshua Hyde pfp
Joshua Hyde
Deathmatch or co-op?
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Both? I'd love to try co-op survival
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Joshua Hyde pfp
Joshua Hyde
I'm in for a campaign co-op run. Now to the real challenge: coordinating schedules, especially across timezones.
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
GREAT! WOOHOO! I'm sure we can figure out the logistics. Dust off the boomer rolodex and find a couple more people! :)
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Joshua Hyde pfp
Joshua Hyde
In the meantime, is there a particular port you recommend? I can see about what I need to do to get it up and running on a machine.
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Single-player: GZDoom Multiplayer: Zandronum, Odamex
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