Jacob pfp
Having a low energy day in the midst of a lot of work that needs to get done asap What's your best mid-day pick-me-up? Already tried coffee ☕️
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Jacob pfp
Update I made it through to the other side
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Critical solution? Bowl of ice water, submerge face in it, leverage mammalian dive reflex to wake tf for a while https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_reflex
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Karo K pfp
Karo K
I like natural forms of caffeine - real matcha and ginseng. Brisk walk & smelling fresh outside air If I can’t go outside, I like doing 10 jumping jacks! Seems counterproductive but getting the blood flowing helps with getting more energy and focus Vitamin B supplement! Water with a lemon or lime wedge
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Jason pfp
If I really need to be productive (completely avoid any mid-day slump) I skip lunch, always does the trick
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
Farcaster, call with someone from Farcaster, my kids behaving, writing 1 line of code that actually works.
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
a walk or a swim if that's viable
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adrienne pfp
Fresh air Some sort of cardio or short bust of intense exercise
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Simon AndΞrson🎩 pfp
Simon AndΞrson🎩
Back when I was a sales rep, a colleague asked me how I always had so much energy in the afternoon. I said "I do a line for breakfast and another one for lunch" completely joking. The next day, I got called in for a "random" drug test 😄
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩🐹 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩🐹
Tbh I embrace the low energy and rest when I can so that I can pick up the slack with my high energy days Of course though this is predicated on setting myself up to have a sufficient number of high energy days with good sleep, diet, and exercise
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Its likely a physio-neurological response to being overwhelmed. Try prioritizing ruthlessly (including changing some deadlines if you need to) , taking a break and really unplugging for 1 hour to do something you enjoy, then get back to it with your new priority list.
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Run outside on the grass with the kids
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Glass of water, get the blood flowing (some quick and intense form of movement), wash my face and hands with cold water.
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vincent pfp
best solution would probably be prepare well for sleep, then sleep really deeply (i rarely follow this advice, but i'd be happy to sleep deeply all the time!)
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iSpeakNerd pfp
calling a friend i haven't talked to in a while to catch up
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Dalton pfp
a leisurely walk
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netop://ウエハ pfp
Video games
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Q🎩 pfp
Too late now but I didn’t see anyone mention it. Cordyceps. Yes the zombie mushroom. A mix of cordyceps and lions mane will provide a natural cognitive boost. I know several people who have switched to cord/LM tea in the morning. A warning, they are rather bitter, so I’d suggest supplements or lots of honey.
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Charlie Crown 🎩 pfp
Charlie Crown 🎩
Going out for a walk or meditation really helps me reset mid afternoon.
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{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️ pfp
{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️
Go for a walk. Take nap in grass.
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