Jacob pfp
Is there sufficient knowledge, motivation and expertise in this community for a playlist thread of classic Simpsons episodes? 🤔 I'll start 👇
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Jacob pfp
@atlas summary ☁️ The Simpsons 📺
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Jacob pfp
Obvious first choice: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Exit_to_Springfield Union struggles Lisa needs braces, dental plan The Beatles hallucinations 🤌
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Jacob pfp
I'm still hopeful this will reach escape velocity
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Joe Toledano pfp
Joe Toledano
Monorail 🚝
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adrienne pfp
Speaking for me, Simpsons no, but I grew up on these books by Matt groening, the creator of the Simpsons. Anyone else? https://www.thriftbooks.com/series/life-in-hell/40402/
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Gregor pfp
Hard in on “Bart of Darkness”
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annie pfp
submitting for consideration: “stark raving dad” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stark_Raving_Dad
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borodutch 👈👈😎👖💨 pfp
borodutch 👈👈😎👖💨
the crossover with family guy
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