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Jacob pfp
tipping 4000 $degen for ideas @atlas will summarize conversations on farcaster to enhance your browsing experience what do you think is the best way to surface quality conversations? how can we improve your farcaster browsing experience? all ideas welcome
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
The best way to surface quality conversations is obviously by choice, i.e. subscription/follow. The account on FC posts summaries sorted in order of quality, where quality is: 1. Uniqueness (spam always similar), 2. Nuance (complexity = quality), 3. Reflectiveness (self critical = relevant, important).🧠❤️‍🔥
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Jacob pfp
thanks, it'll be a frame + cast action, so users will have a choice about which thread they want summarized perhaps in later versions there will be some co-curation and recommendations 400 $degen
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