Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽŠ I’m thrilled to introduce jam 2.0 β€” 1/🧡 πŸŽ‡ Reimagined Web3 profiles featuring Ethereum and Polygon collectibles βœ… Identity verification by ENS ✌️For You feed that learns what you like πŸ‘― View all holders of a collection, add them to your feeds πŸŽ›οΈ... longcast.jam.so/jj4yeQ
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Jacob pfp
Awesome πŸ₯³ Does Jam have a Light Mode now or on the horizon? Maybe it's just me but I can't with the default Night Mode πŸŒ™
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
Will get on that. Sorry took so long!!
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