jp 🎩 🔜 Farcon pfp
jp 🎩 🔜 Farcon
why are there no dining halls for adults? Pay for a monthly plan, go get food Basically like college dining halls and fancy faang cafeterias, but as a standalone business
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jp 🎩 🔜 Farcon pfp
jp 🎩 🔜 Farcon
I’m guessing it has to do with location and being somewhere with sufficient density of users Could be interesting as a subscription network. Kind of like wework. Lots of local competition but if bundled well might be able to produce a novel 10x better experience
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jp 🎩 🔜 Farcon pfp
jp 🎩 🔜 Farcon
What I miss about these are 1) easy to easy healthy and stick to a diet 2) a great place to run into friends and socialize
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grin @ farcon pfp
grin @ farcon
It’s called all-you-can-eat buffet my dude
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SydneyJason pfp
I feel like the business model would fail with people who eat too much. I avoid buffets because I tend to overeat at them…
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Matt “Going To Farcon” Lee  pfp
Matt “Going To Farcon” Lee
They could also scatter specific types of foods across various locations and instead of a subscription just have it be pay as you go
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Oppai✴️ pfp
Join the military if you like dfacs
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
In nyc this is fast casual food but I think you’d die if you looked at the total price all at once.
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zoo pfp
have had similar thots. first adopter could/should be timeout markets since they've already got the setup and worldwide locations. would prob be on the pricy side but i would absolutely subscribe
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