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greyseymour.eth pfp
undoubtedly one of the highlights of all of ethdenver, by far. likely a top 3. I left this chaotic shindig SUPER stoked to empower this amazing community & it’s remarkable work however we can. ethOS is the real deal - and the phone is just emblematic of the ppl/philosophy.
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jp  🦊🎩 pfp
jp 🦊🎩
what are the other 2 in the podium? must have been a wild week. so cool.
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greyseymour.eth pfp
1 alignment, allyship & a dash of psychological epiphany/recentering w @jessepollak - easy pick 2 @at0x & the nerd dao hacker house in general - he’s a real genius, polyglot, stoked to be building with him & honestly inspired by the dude values wise 3 ethOS (& 3rd place is great, bc the top 10 is stacked! :))
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