Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Whats the absolute best conversion funnel you’ve experienced on the internet? 🫨 I’m looking for a shit hot, locked in, ultra tight, zero wasted energy, slick and sleek, stupid high converting, yet ultimately very pleasant purchase/subscribe/sign up experience 🫨 Help us all grow 🥲😩🫡
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jp  🦊🎩 pfp
jp 🦊🎩
Can you elaborate with what a conversion funnel is and the role it plays on the user experience of a person that is engaging with the internet?
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Every app on the internet is trying to do is get you to do an action. Cast. Buy. Like. Etc The core value from the action is the MOST important part, but the journey to get to that action is a close 2nd. Some places make it a delight to participate - increasing activity - but most do not. I want to be that delight.
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