Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Only fools learn only from their own experience.
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
Always a good time to plug
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
What’s your favorite episode so far?
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
I haven't listened to all of them, but this one was pretty great and outside of my usual interest: This pod with the host is a great intro and how I got into it:
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Thought it was your podcast. My bad. 🤣
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
Haha no no, just one I think is really excellent for learning from others' experiences. This guy spends his whole life reading books about founders and then provides entertaining and concise summaries of them, cross-referencing them like crazy.
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