Mitosis: Testnet Galxe Quests 🔄 Join here ➡️ https://testnet.mitosis.org/ Refferal code ➡️ B1HJT6 👈 ✔️Visit➡️ http://app.galxe.com/quest/Mitosis ✔️ claim all available OATs at the end of each task. 📌You earn cells when complete Galxe tasks and claim OATs. ✔️Complete Treasure Hunt Game #1 - Lost Morse Quest and get detective DC role ⤵️ 🔗https://app.galxe.com/quest/Mitosis/GCZrqtVHkY 💡Quest 1 quiz answer: 1024 💡Quest 2 quiz answer: only 1 person has managed to complete this quest so far 😮
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