Josh pfp



603 Following

Josh pfp
Gm /success fam. I haven't been very active on here lately. Life is a little chaotic right now, 2 months before I pack up in Australia and move overseas with my family for a while. I am still here and looking at what is going on, but I'm not very active. The little time I have I will be in the discord server providing airdrop news and projects for you all to take advantage of. Feel free to ask any questions about my posts there. Stay successful.
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Josh pfp
I’m lucky to get an hour of games in per week. Being able to switch my brain off is /success
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Josh pfp
It takes people who give a shit to get something out of the speculation zone (farcasters future) and into the hey this could work zone. Awesome work /success guys. And just putting it out there. My time is limited and it’s hard to focus on WC at a pure social level right now. But I’ll put my hand up for anything that’s needed in the background @maretus.eth . I’m a dev that’s keen on working on something if required. I do airdrop farming to an extent, happy to help out there. And I generally do lots of reading and research in the ethereum ecosystem. I mentioned to @maretus.eth that I’m packing up my life in Australia and heading to Colombia with my family in a couple of months. My goal is to build a strong network before I get there, where I’ll be focusing on all this stuff full time.
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Josh pfp
Gm /success people Just leaving my scoop invite codes for anyone that wants to see what it’s about. I haven’t figured it out yet. ARO2BK PBVJ6V Q51YHQ
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Josh pfp
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0xC96EEE71f01643a5895630e5a6B6cB8E721EDcFa let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Josh pfp
Great initiative here
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Josh pfp
Get on it
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Josh pfp
Gm /success people. 5 degrees this morning, but that doesn’t stop me
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Josh pfp
Remember to not miss the forrest for the trees. That stuff will kill any momentum and progress you’ve made
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Josh pfp
Painted this mural in Malaysia in 2018. Drive me insane and I almost gave up on it, but I pushed through and succeeded.
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Josh pfp
Here’s a mural I airbrushed in Malaysia in 2018
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Josh pfp
Gn everyone Been struggling to get time to be on here the last few days. I don't know how you all do it. I must do better Enjoy the day
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Josh pfp
Anyone got a scoop invite code I can use?
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Josh pfp
Gn /success people. Go out and achieve something today
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Josh pfp
Found this, I’m not the only one
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Josh pfp
Reposting, automod had some issues last night. I've been toying with an NFT project idea for a couple of weeks. Something that actually excites me. I need to get the idea on paper first, maybe a website, but would any of you have any recommended reading material to learn about setting up and implementing NFT projects?
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Josh pfp
Looking to get 2 referrals signed up to the Synthr platform through Zealy. Please take a look and sign up!
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Josh pfp
Gn /success fam. Before I go. I have been toying with an NFT project idea for a couple of weeks. Something that actually excites me. I need to get the idea on paper first, maybe a website, but would any of you have any recommended reading material to learn about setting up and implementing NFT projects?
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Josh pfp
They are slowly working on it, but I do think it needs to be made a priority. Kind of reminds me of twitter where they claimed to mostly rid the platform of bots, but it’s still plagued by bots
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Josh pfp
This is an interesting phenomenon. Vacations tend to be a break from your job, to rest. Most people hate their job and a vacation represents time away from it. But humans aren't meant to do nothing, we get bored, hence the desire to work on something, which is usually something you love., the side project.
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