Josh Gier pfp

Josh Gier


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Josh Gier pfp
Josh Gier
Gridays is coming fast and my desk is a freakin mess. How’s your week so far?
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Josh Gier pfp
Josh Gier
Woah. Are we in the 1800s?
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Josh Gier pfp
Josh Gier
Just don’t Twak to Huah
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Josh Gier pfp
Josh Gier
“if parisians are trendsetters” only a parisian or someone ‘flexing’ they in Paris would say that. I do not think anybody else in the world thinks that now - and retro soccer jerseys been trending in every 3rd world country since the 90s
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Josh Gier pfp
Josh Gier
Hello Warpcast.
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Josh Gier pfp
Josh Gier
IMO this statement leans biased towards the French ethos. But as a frenchie and to my discontent I see the UK’s startup scene as superior, with undeniable financial success and global impact. The proof is in the results
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