Olajumoke  pfp



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Olajumoke  pfp
Opensea is the largest and most popular NFT marketplace. It allows you to mint an NFT on the platform with an easy-to-use interface and a shared NFT smart contract. If you don’t mint on OpenSea, you can still leverage the marketplace to sell your NFTs, even if they are minted elsewhere.
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Olajumoke  pfp
There are many technical considerations when selecting an NFT minting tool. For example, if a platform uses a shared smart contract, it may be difficult, or even impossible, to distinguish who made those NFTs on a different platform.
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Olajumoke  pfp
When it comes to minting an NFT collection in 2024, you have a lot of options. Whether you are minting for the purpose of art, utility, community or something else, you should carefully choose a minting platform that meets your NFT project's long-term goals because it can be difficult to change your decision.
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Olajumoke  pfp
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Olajumoke  pfp
"Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." — Winston Churchhill
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Olajumoke  pfp
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” — Dalai Lama
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Olajumoke  pfp
"Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work." — Robert Orben
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Olajumoke  pfp
"People who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do." — Elbert Hubbard
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Olajumoke  pfp
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing—that's why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar
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Olajumoke  pfp
Productivity is the base-line of getting your project to where you need it to be. Combine it with kindness, creativity, and the wise suggestions of these successful founders to become your best professional self.
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Olajumoke  pfp
Productivity is the base-line of getting your project to where you need it to be. Combine it with kindness, creativity, and the wise suggestions of these successful founders to become your best professional self.
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Olajumoke  pfp
The greatest ideas in the world can be jeopardized by a dip in productivity. And these days it’s all too easy to get dragged out of the ‘zone’ and into meaningless meetings, deliberation, procrastination, or that sweet, sweet social media. How can you stay on-track?
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Olajumoke  pfp
Shoshana Davis, a Gen Z career expert and founder of the career consultancy Fairy Job Mother, told CNBC that the generation (generally defined as those born between 1996 and 2012) have become too reliant on AI tools like ChatGPT to generate cover letters and job application answers.
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Olajumoke  pfp
Video and Audio tools Runway ML: An AI platform for video editing and motion graphics and simplifying complex video production tasks. Descript: Provides audio and video editing capabilities using AI, with features like auto transcription. Dall-e: AI tool for generating custom, high-quality images, artwork and videos
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Olajumoke  pfp
AI tools for Graphic Design Color Mind: AI tool for color scheme generation, perfect for branding and web design. Looka: Combines AI with design principles to create professional logos and brand assets. Booth AI: Offers automated photo editing and enhancement, suitable for product images and marketing materials.
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Olajumoke  pfp
/co balance
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Olajumoke  pfp
/co balance
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Olajumoke  pfp
Productivity is just one element of a successful career, but without it, you’ll get nowhere. From Steve Jobs to Shan-Lyn Ma, the biggest-hitting business founders didn’t just start with a big idea – they knew how to work to make it happen.
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Olajumoke  pfp
working hard or hardly working? Either way, always be ready to make it happen
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Olajumoke  pfp
"Because who has time for procrastination when you're building an empire? Let these productivity quotes give you a kick in the pants, founders!"
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