John X pfp

John X


54 Following

John X pfp
John X
We've been thinking about Web3 use cases for the transport mobility sector at @astralprotocol for a while — would love to get the DIMO community's take on this 👀📍✨
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John X pfp
John X
A potential application for FOAM TrustZones — I'd love any feedback 🙏
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John X pfp
John X
I've been thinking through an idea for a few years now, and am about to put out some writing on — I'd love to get some feedback. In a nutshell, it's market-based transport load balancing mechanism with dynamic, agent-specific pricing. 👇
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John X pfp
John X
How do I create a second Farcaster account (for Astral) without losing access to this one via Warpcast? I'd prefer not to pay for supercast ... cc @tmo.eth @foamspace @dwr.eth /farcaster
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John X pfp
John X
I'm compiling a list of Web3 projects that are using location proofs, and the strategies they're employing to prove location. So far: @foamspace /foam @helium /dimo @weatherxm @nosh / Agora Witness Chain @cursive Silvi Who else is out there? Anyone got links to repos / docs? The more technical the better. 🙏📍
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John X pfp
John X
I’ve been trying to build location-based dapps since ETHDenver 2018. One recurring need: a way of showing where something is. Delving into the complexities of proving the “where” on the Internet has revealed deep challenges and major trust assumptions.
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John X pfp
John X
@lemonadedao I've heard from a few people that you're building event check-in functionality — true? What could you share about it? At Astral we're working on a generalized Location Proof Protocol (more soon ...) ✨
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John X pfp
John X
There's so much going on in the decentralized geospatial world — here's a channel to pull the threads of conversation together.
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John X pfp
John X
I've been thinking hard for a long time about the need and value of location proofs on the decentralized web. This week I'm working on pulling those thoughts together — how can we build towards a generalized location proof protocol? 📍
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John X pfp
John X
Alpine-style product development is appealing to me ... Staying light, taking care of things as they arise, cultivating the skills and identifying the windows to pursue monumental efforts when things align ...
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John X pfp
John X
Is "NFTs, tokens + DeFi" all we can come up with for use cases for /frames? I've seen a few creative ones, but not a lot of outside-the-box thinking ... Watch this space ...
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John X pfp
John X
This year I skipped the London winter and spent a few months riding the Tour Aotearoa in New Zealand — can't recommend it enough.
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John X pfp
John X
I really don't love the auto-follow-upon-account-creation here of many of the usual suspects, it feels a bit self-serving and centralizing. I get it, the feed needs to be populated, these people are active on Warpcast etc, and I don't know of a better alternative ... just sayin'
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John X pfp
John X
Who's building a frame that let's Farcast users buy and retire $CHAR on /base? Low hanging fruit and the perfect use case for composable carbon credits ...
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John X pfp
John X
What is the mass of one bit?
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John X pfp
John X
I've been offline for the past three months (like actually offline, cycling in New Zealand). I've gotta say it: coming back to Web3 is a bit triggering. I'm getting less and less tolerant of what I call the "Ren & Stimpy" energy ... maybe a hot take here 🤷
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John X pfp
John X
What are the best examples of Web3 teams building in public? What practices / behaviors / rituals are they modeling? Looking for inspiration ... 👁️✨👁️ cc @benwest @alisha @zain @mmazco @aspiers @kinji @sanderdiangelis @jessepollak @vitalik.eth
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John X pfp
John X
Logging back on after a few months off the grid, what'd I miss?
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