Loeber.eth pfp



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Loeber.eth pfp
Airchat with its channels feels like a bit of a Warpcaster knockoff
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Loeber.eth pfp
Consider a man who asks for his coffee not iced, but “on the rocks”
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Loeber.eth pfp
It would be very useful if domain owners adopted the broad practice of putting “for sale” or “not for sale” along with contact information in DNS TXT records
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Loeber.eth pfp
Every time I open farcaster, it’s more alive. there’s more engagement on every cast, there are more names I haven’t seen before, and the discussion topics are more diverse. Love to see it!
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Loeber.eth pfp
Type of guy who makes his protein shake with sparkling water
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Loeber.eth pfp
Has anyone else’s gmail app changed from email preview to this opaque message recently? This has been the case for me since the middle of the night, and it’s hugely irritating
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Loeber.eth pfp
Sharing some experiments on arithmetic and symbolic reasoning in GPT-4. Take a look, some of these results are pretty neat! https://loeber.substack.com/p/16-notes-on-arithmetic-in-gpt-4
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Loeber.eth pfp
it is absurd to me that the overwhelming majority of riverside county, california is forever away from any rivers
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Loeber.eth pfp
Forbidden from accessing deep truths about the world
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Loeber.eth pfp
How do I see my farcaster ID?
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Loeber.eth pfp
Twitter this morning 🤢
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Loeber.eth pfp
The Doors' Riders on the Storm is rainy-night jazz for people who otherwise don't like jazz Finally I know why I like it so much
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Loeber.eth pfp
Warpcast for the browser has a "channels" tab on my profile, but no "NFTs" tab. Warpcast for mobile has an "NFTs" tab on my profile, but no "channels" tab?
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Loeber.eth pfp
weird trend in interviewing python engineers, as opposed to 6 years ago: nobody knows what the global interpreter lock is anymore
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Loeber.eth pfp
Wonderful album
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Loeber.eth pfp
TIL https://x.com/onnnnnnnion/status/1750983196873744388?s=46&t=P_1qAPWxIad-zsBCUF62qw
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Loeber.eth pfp
In Park City for Sundance through Sunday — if you’re a farcaster mutual/friend who’s also in town, shoot me a DM!
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Loeber.eth pfp
Man who takes all zoom meetings from hotel lobby bathrooms because he doesn’t want to pay for WeWork
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Loeber.eth pfp
Today I wrote about what I think is one of the most underrated applications of AI: language translation. The idea has been so normalized that nobody's paying attention to the progress. We're about to have always-on, real-time translation, and the social & economic impacts will be massive. https://y.gy/4VxH
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Loeber.eth pfp
a thing that i've noticed about working out/eating: if i'm at home all day, sitting at my desk -- i crave carbs, fats -- pizza, curries, etc. if i go to the gym, after working out -- i crave water, fruits, raw vegetables curious
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