Johanna 🎩  pfp

Johanna 🎩


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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
a Djibouti newspaper
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Ok cant use _signedTypedData() data because the library im using on top (EAS) is expecting .signerTypedData() but will try this 🙌 thanks!
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
@boop Is the wallet.provider.request() seen in these docs the same as embeddedWallet? I am using `privy-io/react-auth` and not Expo/React Native package, so not sure if its different, because embeddedWallet.provider.request() does not exist. Seems I can only acccess the embeddedWallet.getEthersProvider() from React
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Thanks a lot will try 🙏🏻
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
I need to access the signer.signTypedData() method but it is not available/does not exist from the signer Privy is giving me, is there a workaround?
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
When accessing a privy signer through the embedded wallet, how can I get all signer methods? the signer is said to return JsonRpcSigner from ethers, however it is missing the following properties: address, signTypedData, getNonce, populateCall.
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
I am working on this but for a specific usecase. Might scale to include other usecases later on :)
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Using tobacco in Snus is actually not very popular anymore it is mostly popular in boomer generation in scandinavian countries. What is popular and has spread to other parts of the world outside scandinavia is nicotine pouches snus, which does not contain any tobacco. Not sure if they are all using synthezised nicotine
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Unfortunetly I am not the best person to ask for resturant/cafe recommendations but can hit you up with all the best farmers markets and fruiterias if you like to cook 🙌 @tomu.eth
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Oh I didnt know there was Honest Greens in Lisbon! Thought it was only in Madrid/Barcelona. If you wanna try new coworking places offers many places to choose from in Lisbon. Usually cheaper to buy a couple hrs from there than to buy day passes individually
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
biggest problem is argentinas import laws. Its almost impossible to get anything in from customs as an individual would assume its even harder as a cooperation
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
I think it might be because of the 'logo', try removing it or adding it to a logo state that is only being rendered when component has mounted
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Exactly, it is such a big problem that Fitflop took it upon themselves to solve it 😂
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
the O literally looks like an anal too
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
''please wait 3 months before you can place the order again'' - kind regards customer support
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
obviously I know I can use a VPN to place the order but just wanted to confirm with customer support how insane it is to block potential buyers like this. Also which customer support mentions IP-address in their wording? Lots of normal people do not understand such words
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
I am sometimes so surprised with how web2 operates, wanted to buy some shoes online as a gift for my mom who lives in Sweden. However I am located in Spain and my bank account address is tied to my primary address in Portugal. They literally told the engineers at this ecommerce site to block buyers based on ip HAHA
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
i wonder why they felt the need to make ANAL all caps and highlighted
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
Update: no mobility in my hand yesterday, struggled to switch gears and turn at the same time with the volvo lol could not pick things up/grab items today 85% back to normal Have been drinking this smoofie (3-4 valencian oranges, 1-2inches tumeric, 1 inch ginger and pinch of black pepper) combined with 20min RLT
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
what contributed to your fast recovery? any tips? i sprained my wrist today playing volleyball 😩 with @so
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