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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
When accessing a privy signer through the embedded wallet, how can I get all signer methods? the signer is said to return JsonRpcSigner from ethers, however it is missing the following properties: address, signTypedData, getNonce, populateCall.
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
I need to access the signer.signTypedData() method but it is not available/does not exist from the signer Privy is giving me, is there a workaround?
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Henri Stern κ™ͺ pfp
Henri Stern κ™ͺ
@boop or @payton may have thoughts?
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andrew pfp
@johanna - for legacy reasons the built-in ethers provider is v5. If you need those functions, you can follow this guide with a newer version! Hope that helps!
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
@boop Is the wallet.provider.request() seen in these docs the same as embeddedWallet? I am using `privy-io/react-auth` and not Expo/React Native package, so not sure if its different, because embeddedWallet.provider.request() does not exist. Seems I can only acccess the embeddedWallet.getEthersProvider() from React
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andrew pfp
Oh! Sorry, wrong docs. It might be just easiest for you to use the ethers 5 syntax, which is just _signedTypedData. Otherwise to use ethers v6, const eip1193 = await wallet.getEthereumProvider(); const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(eip1193); const signer = await provider.getSigner(); Should work?
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