Jo Gage pfp

Jo Gage


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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
Tween likes late night chats to download her woes and go to sleep feeling loved and heard. I go to bed later than I’d like with a head full of woes and then struggle to get to sleep. What do others do to process? Yoga is good for me if downloads are early enough in the day but harder when late. Other ideas?
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
Lots said on here about the beauty of the outputs /photosynthesis. Perhaps not enough about how fun it is to create them! All the thrill of spinning a roulette wheel plus making quick-fire intuitive artistic choices.
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
PhotoSynthesis#156 @mariafynsknorup.eth x @jeffmihaly Thank you @mariafynsknorup.eth and @jeffmihaly for this beautiful mash up of your work. Wishing you a speedy recovery @mariafynsknorup.eth. Sending you love and get well vibes. create yours at
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
I think this one could work well for people of any age so sharing here too
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
I like metacognition & building self-efficacy, so for today’s coaching question for kids I asked my 11yo: When have you done something you didn’t think you’d achieve? The juicy bit was not the thing itself but what she said when I asked: *What made the difference?* Mindset & feedback were key for her. Try it!
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
Trialling interesting coaching questions for kids on my 11yo. Today: How have you been kind to others today? Reaction: pensive then slowly out they came: I gave S a highlighter, I let H kick the ball, I asked J to sit with us etc Both of us = full of happy hormones Good way to build +ve sense of self. Recommend!
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
I’m a coach & trialling interesting coaching questions for kids on my 11yo. Sharing in case useful. Today: How have you been kind to others today? Reaction: pensive then slowly out they came: I gave S a highlighter, I let H kick the ball, I asked J to sit with us etc Both of us = full of happy hormones Recommend!
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
Cathartic coaching questions are those that allow us to express and unblock emotions so that we can move forward. The most obvious one is: How are you feeling? This can sometimes be hard to answer as it’s so bored. Alternatives: What is giving you energy? What is draining you of energy? Any others?
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
On being sad as a kid. When I was a kid and crying about something my mum would say (after what seemed like not long): That’s enough now, or don’t be silly. The first time I cried with my now husband he said: Let it all out. 4 words = beautifully held. Guess what I now say to our daughter when she cries?
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
Sharing this here as an example of self-coaching - a powerful, on demand and free way of accessing coaching. Catalytic questions (like the one I used for myself) are those that provoke action. What catalytic question do you need to ask yourself today? Ps I did the yoga :)
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
Sometimes I find it hard to do the things I know will help my well-being. Today I asked myself: What small thing can you do to set yourself up well for the day? Somehow I’m more motivated to do my 10 mins of morning yoga. Perhaps it’s about framing. Sharing in case useful to you. Getting on the mat now…
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Jo Gage pfp
Jo Gage
If a coach is someone who asks questions that provoke new thinking, what questions have you asked or been asked that have led to a new insight? Here are a couple I like to get the ball rolling: On the receipt of ‘bad’ news: what are 3 reasons why this is a gift? How can you best resource yourself?
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