Joey DeBruin pfp
Joey DeBruin
Build has been incredible. In V1 and V2 we helped launch hundreds of projects and distribute $140k+ in grants. Today we’re announcing Build V3 🚀 Come ship a frame or two with some extra wind in your sails.
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Joey DeBruin pfp
Joey DeBruin
As always, Build is made for builders: - 4 weeks - 100% free - $50k+ in no-strings attached grants - Support from some of the best companies in tech - Pure builder energy ⚡⚡⚡
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Joey DeBruin pfp
Joey DeBruin
Stay tuned for more details on the partners we're working with on V3 — the lineup is pretty insane. Our aim is to keep builders focused on building, and help them connect with and get support from the companies pushing the edges of tech.
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