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GM Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something..It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship. It was a wise man that said, *your network is directly proportional to your net worth.* *_Relationship is a currency_* Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship. See eh, *Who likes you in this life matters.* Men are lifted through men. *Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer* to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams. *Who you know matters a lot in this life.* Don't say it doesn't matter. It does. There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand *the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships* . When they say, *turn and greet your neighbour at times, you don't even know who you are talking to* . That might be the CEO of a company LETS NOT FORGET EVERY ONE IS A PLUS!!
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