Jason McPheron pfp

Jason McPheron


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Jason McPheron pfp
Jason McPheron
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Mark Carey 🎩🫂 pfp
Mark Carey 🎩🫂
degenfers (degen-EFF-ers) are mfers who have put on their top hats. They are /degen. They live on /base. 10,000+ unique PFPs minting via /farcaster Frame. This the first 10K PFP mint via Frame. 1 free (no gas) mint per user. Recast first. Be degen. https://degenfers.art/f.html
2329 replies
5461 recasts
4928 reactions

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
"Basic rollup scaling" milestone achieved! Next milestones are likely verkle trees and history expiry.
207 replies
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Kody • Smoothly pfp
Kody • Smoothly
Thank you @ethstaker for thinking of Smoothly! The donations from the Dencun POAP will nearly 10x the expected value for subscribed solo stakers. From the beginning, my vision for Smoothly was to incentivize solo staking. Seeing it come to life makes my heart so happy. https://smoothly.money/#dencun
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Jason McPheron pfp
Jason McPheron
This is my ❍rnaməntal, generated by @ornamental
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Roberto Bayardo 🎩 pfp
Roberto Bayardo 🎩
Great analysis on Ethereum state growth here. Looks like we have a lot of runway before it's a huge problem :) https://www.paradigm.xyz/2024/03/how-to-raise-the-gas-limit-1
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Jason McPheron pfp
Jason McPheron
The second season gets even better than the first. I think I heard they just started filming the 3rd season.
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Just noticed that the other place I hear the word “enshrine” besides Ethereum discussions is constitutional law. As in ideas that are/should be enshrined in constitutions. Constitutions are temples rather than bibles of modernity. Understood to be constructed rather than revealed embodiments of the words of gods.
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Jason McPheron pfp
Jason McPheron
So who has an incentive to increase the target gas limit? Is there a market for a validator's vote? Is that something that could be sold?
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Jason McPheron pfp
Jason McPheron
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Jason McPheron pfp
Jason McPheron
Is 50M a good target? That's what I set mine to. Does anyone know if there is a dashboard that tracks which way the network is voting?
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Blobs are coming to mainnet at slot 8626176 .oO
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457 reactions

Chaotic Monk  pfp
Chaotic Monk
Foggy Frames For Farcaster Open Edition || 24hrs https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/37322992
20 replies
170 recasts
82 reactions