Janmajaya Mall pfp

Janmajaya Mall


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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
Me: please let me enter. HK: nope. Please go through our 4 week long process because your passport is issued in some small city.
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
Protocols that plan to use zk proofs for reputation gating while users stay anonymous. How do you prevent someone from selling access to their private key just for the proof?
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
Crossposting from twitter. Looking for someone to help out with front-end of cool privacy/anonymous app (paid). The work wouldn't be too time consuming, but you will love it! DM for more info!
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
Been working on something really cool... https://medium.com/@janmajayamall18/anonymous-postbox-e6f5399f7243
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
In what new ways can homomorphic encryption (maybe combined with threshold encryption) help enable cool stuff on farcaster? Please no points for privacy preserving data analytics or something. By new I meant something wild that haven't been experimented with!
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
had been cluelessly staring at code for hours because I mistook substitution operation of polynomial for powers of polynomial in the paper 😓
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
How useful would it be to have "private postboxes"? Anyone can post messages in it for you but without sender's and receiver's details on msg envelope ? So there's no way to link sender with receiver for a given msg. It's unlike signal/proton since their servers still need to know receiver's details.
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
Checkout my demo of Oblivious message retrieval (OMR) - https://github.com/Janmajayamall/ObliviousMessageRetrieval. If you find this interesting then let's work together :) 1/n
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
You know you are being "LAZY", when you start using `a.min(a-b)` everywhere for `a % b` without assuring `a E (0, 2b]`
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Janmajaya Mall pfp
Janmajaya Mall
Sometimes LLVM surprises me by its smartness. >>cargo bench >>time=10 us; change=0% LLVM: Ah just flag me! >>RUSTFLAGS="-O -C target-feature..." cargo bench >>time=5 us; change=-50%
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