John Grant
Pareidolia describes pattern-seeking behaviour in individuals. Is there a term for when organizations demonstrate collective pattern-seeking behaviours similar to pareidolia? I'm not sure it's the same as institutional confirmation bias – that would be selectively interpreting information to support existing beliefs. Pareidolia is spontaneous pattern recognition. Perhaps there's a gap in organizational theory here for something like "institutional pareidolia"?
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Not quite what you prob meant but this recent piece by Mary Harrington on the term egregore rhymes? Root meaning of “audience capture” as collective pattern-seeking behavior. Content warning: the first third or so tough to read, here’s the nut: “… Suppose egregores are sufficiently real to merit discussion. Are such entities agentic and sentient? I’ll save that for another post; it’s a question that makes sense within an idealist paradigm, but that statement on its own probably needs more explanation than space allows here. So I hope that ‘no, but also yes’ will suffice for now. The pull of audience capture, though, is real: believe me, I feel its pressure daily. And the power of a really big egregore is difficult to overstate….”
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