Is it just me, or does the volume of high quality non-fiction content written every year greatly exceed the volume of fiction content? Would love to stumble across some new sci-fi fiction series, but always find myself going back to my favorites (Dune, anything Asimov, etc)
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Have you tried Ted Chiang or William Gibson’s The Jackpot trilogy
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Added to my reading list! Thanks for the recommendation
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You got it. The movie Arrival based on one of Chiang’s stories is excellent with a great soundtrack. Amazon has adapted The Peripheral with a Westworld sensibility https://music.apple.com/us/album/arrival-original-motion-picture-soundtrack/1440758063
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Had no idea those were adaptations, even more motivation to read the source material
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Definitely, The Jackpot concept is prescient and what Gibson reflects on in the novel is more nuanced than the show so recommend reading before trying the Prime Video adaptation Given the rapid developments in AI technologies, the novel Agency feels closer
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