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bun.lockb 🟣 pfp
bun.lockb 🟣
Just had a flashback to the summer of 2018, when every freelance frontend engineer on the planet was summoned to implement GDPR compliance violators, toasts, modals for the entire internet 🍻
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Every data engineer was tasked to do an entire inventory of all datasets, their ACLs, retention plans, PII policies, etc. It was a whole thing that took a long time and it's continuously been worked on since then.
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️
…only to have Brave Browser and dozens of ad-block extensions just hide them all anyway. 🫠 (Whenever I do see one, I can never tell if clicking Accept or Decline even makes a difference. 🤷🏻‍♂️)
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pugson pfp
except me. won’t ever do it
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