Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Every night, no matter how late it gets for me (sometimes between 2-4am 😅), I cook dinner for myself and my husband. What daily rituals do you refuse to break from?
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Jordan Kutzer pfp
Jordan Kutzer
Wake up in a flip sweat at 5am to check our Meta dashboard refresh to see how many new users we got and how much money we made selling virtual bats the day prior.
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Utility Coder pfp
Utility Coder
Nice. I'm curious to know if this is a formal business or side hustle.
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Jordan Kutzer pfp
Jordan Kutzer
It’s a formal business. This is all I do.
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Utility Coder pfp
Utility Coder
OK got it. I'm interested in knowing it works and hoping you'd share.
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