Jib pfp



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Jib pfp
Web 3 is so much better then Web 2. I don't think X(Twitter) will ever be able to fully switch over even if they wanted to. This is why Warpcast has so much potential to grow. As the new gen kids start building their careers they will use web 3 apps. X like apps will eventually fade into the history books.
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Jib pfp
I played around with friendtech for a bit, and they had one really cool UX for a minute. When they enabled everyone to post like X and farcaster it was incredible. They also had votes issued to everyone to upvote the best content based on whatever, but the point is they had something there!!
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Jib pfp
What is the best all around phone for everything including crypto?
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Jib pfp
Crypto has an interesting dynamic between the speculating/gambler crowd and the help build and be part of a community crowd. I believe degen has been built toward the latter, however I do know some meme coin speculators waiting to dump if they reach their magic number.
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Jib pfp
I was finally able to take some time to learn about degen tips. Very cool and looking forward to reading more casts and tipping.
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Jib pfp
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Jib pfp
Take venison, ground it and add wagyu beef fat. Then cook and mix with some mac and cheese.
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Jib pfp
Acu-pressure mat. Life changing!!!! Getting the best sleep ever. Only need to lie on it for about 10 min before bedtime.
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Jib pfp
E67 on MoZ, the deep dive on Farcaster is an excellent episode. I'm finally starting to wrap my head around the direction of the protocol. Feeling fortunate to be a part of it and looking forward to engaging more frequently on the interesting channels:)
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Jib pfp
If you guys could open up the platform to the regular consumer I believe it could take off. All you need is a couple channels for the normies. Not sure if your waiting for the right time or if you want it to only be for developers.
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Jib pfp
Trust in Pseudonymity using decentralized I.D.'s will change how businesses are run in the future. You could be part of an organization with a leader you have only met as an avatar in the metaverse.
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Jib pfp
So much hype and scams and FUD. It's exhausting. Glad Warpcast is here to help me take a break from the X madness.
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Jib pfp
Feeling optimistic about the rule of law in the U.S.
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Jib pfp
Looking for recommendations on crypto podcasts. My favorites so far are: The Web 3 Academy The Crypto Conversation The Bad Crypto Podcast
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Jib pfp
Wow these blockchain loyalty rewards programs are really getting me to spend money. Will it be any more worth it than web 2 or more of the same marketing gimicks.
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Jib pfp
Wow exciting couple of days it's been!!! Interesting to see the negative spin quickly change to a positive spin.
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Jib pfp
Into the mist.
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Jib pfp
It fascinates me that there are people scared of Generative AI. If I had a toolbox and one day a new tool showed up inside I wouldn't be scared. I'd want to know what it was used for and how to use it.
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Jib pfp
What do human beings do? They try to predict tomorrow. They do this by analyzing the past. When you analyze the past you see patterns emerge and then you think your in the know. Except no one can predict blackswan events which means nobody knows the future. Zooming out as far as possible is the key.
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Jib pfp
Anybody messing with Starbucks Odyssey yet? I just started try to get the stamp.
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