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aiming to post more here these days. something that my social circle is talking a lot about recently is universities in macau 'banning' mainland chinese students who did not take the gaokao. source: to understand this, you first need to understand the gaokao. simply put, it's a super competitive national college entrance exam taken by high school students that plays a critical role in determining their univ admissions and future career opportunities. second, you need to understand that macau is still a SAR, like hong kong -- 2 systems, 1 country. so they still maintain a large degree of autonomy from mainland china, despite still being a part of it (i think reunification was ~20 yrs ago). 1/2
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so what's the trouble? there are tons of "international" students in china who really are just mainland students escaping the gaokao pressure by attending IB schools. and in the past, SAR universities like those in macau and HK were highly sought after univ destinations for mainland IB kids. now the tide is changing there and it's got people shook. imo the 2 big questions are: (1) does this signal some sort of modification or termination of the SAR autonomy? effectively these univ are now aligned with mainland schools -- no gaokao, no entrance. but (2) does this also signal a limited future for true IB students in china going forward? it will be interesting to see how it plays out 2/2
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