John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
From the Story of Philosophy's chapter on Voltaire, "equality is at once the most natural and the most chimerical thing in the world : natural when it is limited to rights, unnatural when it attempts to level goods and powers." It's interesting to see the same argument rehashed for centuries.
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Connor McCormick ☑Verified pfp
Connor McCormick ☑Verified
While I get the point about equality of outcomes v opportunities, the pragmatics of outcome being an input into opportunity makes this complicated even for Voltaire
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
"Those who say that all men are equal speak the greatest truth if they mean that all men have an equal right to liberty, to the possession of their goods, and to the protection of the laws". I suppose this accounts for what you mean by pragmatics of outcome being an input into opportunity?
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Connor McCormick ☑Verified pfp
Connor McCormick ☑Verified
No it hides it inside of the protection of the laws. E.g. the trope of a law passed that requires ownership of an oxygen subscription in order to inhale. This would comply with legal and private property protection while seeming to violate a right to liberty.
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