John Hoang pfp

John Hoang


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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
The reason that butterflies can maintain their memories from when they were caterpillars even though their brains were disintegrated during metamorphosis is because they store memories much like a computer does. They have bioelectricity which runs through some bit to flip it from 0 to 1, and that state stays there. Levin implies that the mind is embodied from this because not all memories are stored in the brain, and so not all cognition happens within the brain.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
So if intelligence is a spectrum rather than a binary, how do we tell the difference between intelligences? Levin suggests that the degree of intelligence is proportion to the ability to stay out of the local minima in pursuit of goals.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Bobby Kennedy in 1966 " Like it or not we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history."
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Completion and Perfection are at odds with one another. It’s not possible to hyper optimize for either of these because you’ll never be finished. Hyper optimizing for perfection looks like totalitarianism, while completion looks like equity.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
It’s pretty obvious that we are all in a local minima, but I wonder why we choose to fight over this local minima rather than searching for solutions out of it. The result of not using intelligence to get out of the local minima is always death.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Levin defines the degree of intelligence as proportional to the ability to stay out of local minima in pursuit of goals. This is analogous to Naval's "if you're so smart, why aren't you happy" question.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Rather than arguing if chatgpt is intelligent, it is so much better to think of intelligence as a spectrum. Looking at intelligence as a binary isn't helpful in biology because there are so many instances of other organisms displaying goal-seeking behavior. The difference between these intelligences is really the scale at which they operate. I have so many thoughts, but so little space, but I think this plays into the future of transhumanism and medicine.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Reading about game design, and I realized that apart from computers giving rise to networks, another important category they gave rise to are loops. The era before was about arcs which are one and done type of things such as movies and books. The early loops tend to be small and divorced from reality so the outcome is negative. The answer isn't to abolish loops but to make them open-ended and aligned with reality.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
A lot of the movements today are trying to innovate on Christianity, but a lot of them are in their skeuomorphic phase.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Zuck's tan is suspicious..
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
“Each pattern [or system] can exist in the world, only to the extent that it is supported by other patterns: the larger patterns in which it is embedded, the patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller patterns which are embedded in it.” Alexander et al. 1977
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
The difference between incentives and goals is that in incentives, individuals are making decisions, while in goals, a small group of people make a decision for a large group of people. Basic Economics Thomas Sowell
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
How do you know when a moment is historical? According to Kojeve, when someone proposes a future or project that is a negation to the present such that it creates a change where this present now becomes the past and the future is realized.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
What are we learning this weekend?
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
Mood reading A Creative Act
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
” Community ties are the single biggest predictor of retention. And in the subscription game (really, in the microtransaction game too, though the effect is more complicated), retention = money. Therefore, community ties = money."
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
In economics, it is about the allocation of scarce resources, and so there will always be unmet needs. Basic Economics Thomas Sowell
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
In the story of Narcissus and Echo, Echo is a nymph that falls in love with a man named Narcissus. After a failed attempt to confess her love, Echo goes into the forest and stays there until she is only a voice. Narcissus, on the other hand, ended up not being able to look away from his reflection in a pond and dies. It's poetic how this story is playing out in real life. Trump is Narcissus as the far left is Echo. They feed each other. The far left is obsessed with Trump, while without him would the far left be as relevant? This makes me think that after Trump is out. The far left should become just an echo.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
@jhoang Found it. Echoism. There’s even a myth about it. Myth of Narcissus and Echo
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