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2 reactions π©π§βπΎ @ethxy
Short thoughts on building - Building for yourself guarantees you'll have at least one passionate user. Hard to believe but you're already ahead of the majority of new products if you just have 1 user. - Audience building is just finding a few people who really like the same weird stuff you do. Be weird and true to yourself to stand out from the blandness of soul-less products. - There's an inverse relationship between people who are afraid someone might steal their ideas and quality of their ideas. People who are prolific with ideas tend to come up with better ideas and don't mind people stealing one out of a thousand. People with few ideas conflate scarcity of their own creativity with value.
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8 reactions π©π§βπΎ @ethxy
- "Magic test" is a hack towards product market fit. Just ask, "What magic does your product offer?" Something magical is something the user doesn't understand how it works but the result is delightful and desirable. The emotional response is visceral that doesn't require explanation. If you need to go into the weeds of how it works, you don't have the magic. - Emotional design is notably still one of the most underrated skillsets in product. I don't understand why its still so low on the priority list for new startups. In 2024, emotional design is still one of the last remaining bastions of "edge" in purely digital products. - Luxury of raising small and hiring small is very real. When your runway is measured in years, you have the creative freedom to pursue the most promising leads instead of bandwagoning the latest narrative to raise your next round.
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1 reaction π©π§βπΎ @ethxy
- Bear markets are when there is a glut of attention but very few new products. It's an amazing time to experiment and launch if you have the runway to sustain through it. Finding myself short on time to write essays as we're getting close to @ethxy launch of our next product. Dumped some blurbs on topics I've been meaning to write about.
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great thoughts. very much agree
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