dom pfp
name registration is such an obvious way to monetize decentralized/federated communication protocols you have to wonder how many times it's going to happen in the next few years for many i think it'd be tough to give up potential revenue to ENS (or in the future fnames) just because they got there a moment earlier
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jesse.base.eth 🔵 pfp
jesse.base.eth 🔵
I think one hybrid structure which could achieve the best of both worlds (revenue/control for issuer + compatibility with ENS) is that services leverage ENS subdomains with special treatment in their product (+ fees, additional functionality)
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jesse.base.eth 🔵 pfp
jesse.base.eth 🔵
so for instance, fnames would in the background be ENS subdomains of * in that structure: * can charge for them as they see fit * can expand functionality of names permissionlessly * can display in app w/special treatment * get auto compatibility with every app that already integrates ENS
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